Welcome to Nature of the Sun.

Nature of the Sun is written by Sebastiaan van der Meulen and has been a work in progress for eleven years.

Nature of the Sun became fully finished on December 21st, 2024. Originally published February 25th, 2015.

eBook Nature of the Sun is available for free. You may click a link below to download eBook Nature of the Sun.

Download: PDF for PC

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Download: Mobi for Kindle

Nature of the Sun contains 686 pages in PDF format containing approx 560,000 words and two and a half million characters counted and eleven books written by S.F. van der Meulen and a copy of the Revelation of Jesus Christ written by John.

ISBN: 9789082072952

Nature of the Sun is also available at:


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Here are links to ebook reader apps.

The easiest way to read Nature of the Sun for Windows users is by downloading Sumatra, a free PDF, EPUB and Mobi reader. You can download an installer or a portable executable that will run when you click it. Sumatra will remember the book page you are on, and the text size can be changed. Be sure to choose the 32 Bit download for Windows 32 Bit or the 64 Bit download for Windows 64 Bit. Sumatra is a small but useful reader program.

You will find Sumatra at this link, and be sure to click on the download link on the first page:

If you would like to read the book on PC using another PDF reader, you can grab Acrobat Reader at this link: http://get.adobe.com/reader/ Acrobat Reader is also available on Mac OS and Android.

An Epub reader for Windows PC or Mac OS can be found here: http://www.adobe.com/products/digital-editions/download.html Adobe digital editions is also available for iPhone and Android. Personally, I find Adobe digital editions better for Epub file format than Sumatra.

The Kindle app for Mobi is available for PC, Mac OS, Android and iPhone and can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/fd/kcp/

Copyright 2025, S.F. van der Meulen. All rights reserved.